Computer Analysis of NOAA on Six Lakes:


This C program is designed to analyze temperature data for multiple lakes. It performs various tasks, including calculating average temperatures, identifying the warmest and coldest days, and determining the number of days suitable for swimming or when the lake is frozen.

Parts Explanation

Part 1: Calculates the average yearly temperature for each lake and identifies the overall average temperature for all lakes combined (for the year 2020).

Part 2: Lists the lakes with average temperatures above and below the overall average.

Part 3: Identifies the warmest and coldest temperatures for each lake and for all lakes combined.

Part 4: Determines the overall warmest and coldest temperatures for all lakes combined.

Part 5: Ranks lakes by average summer temperatures.

Part 6: Ranks lakes by average winter temperatures.

Part 7: Counts the number of days suitable for swimming for each lake.

Part 8: Counts the number of days each lake is frozen.

Part 9: Compares the average yearly temperatures for the year 2020 with the year 2019.